News and Events

Our next chapter meeting is

Welcome to the new KSU student chapter of SAA

What is SAA, and who are we?

SAA stands for Society of American Archivists, a professional organization dedicated to the advancement of archival theory and practice in the United States. SAA is considered to be one of the premier professional organizations in the archives field. The student chapter of SAA at Kent State University was established in spring of 2005. We are already one of the largest student archives chapters in the country! Our first meeting with our advisor Dr. Roland Baumann, archivist at Oberlin College, was February 15, 2005. Many matters of interest to job seekers were discussed. Read our minutes from this meeting and others! See our events page for news of last year's chapter activities and upcoming events!

Getting involved with our group is easy. Attend our next meeting! History students and art students, did you ever consider a career as an archivist or museum curator? Membership in our student chapters is inexpensive. Membership in the SAA chapter is open only to graduate students, and our SOA (Society of Ohio Archivists) chapter is open to both undergraduates and graduate students. SAA also offers discounts on archives texbooks to members.
Why not consider an internship in an archives? Experience at an archive prior to graduation is essential for anyone considering the profession but could also be invaluable for anyone seeking an MLIS. See our resources page for suggestions.
An archival listserv is a good way to learn what archives is about, and SAA also publishes a newsletter bulletin, Archival Outlook. Sign up for an archival listserv.
MENTORSHIP PROGRAMS are a must for an aspiring archivist, says Dr. Baumann. How soon can you get connected? See our resources page.
What SKILLS do you need as an archivist or special collections librarian, and what SLIS courses do you need to get them? This list was prepared by Shannon Bohle, last year's president of the SAA and SOA chapters.







Our contact information is:
Kent State University
School of Library and Information Science
P.O. Box 5190
314 University Library
Kent, OH 44242-0001

Our faculty advisor is Dr. Roland Baumann. He can be reached at

Telephone: (330) 672-2782   
Fax: (330) 672-7965



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