

This list was prepared by Shannon Bohle and two other students at Kent State University, who last year began work on the KSU-SAA cooperative effort to create the first online consortia database of archival internships in the United States.



Academy of Certified Archivists
The ACA is an independent nonprofit organization that has a certification program for archivists.


SAA (Society of American Archivists) offers an annual conference, a mentoring program, and many resources for archivists.

SOA (Society of Ohio Archivists)
The SOA is an organization independent of SAA and is an excellent way for a beginning archivist to get his feet wet. It offers internship and mentoring
programs, workshops and seminars, and an annual convention. Last year three KSU SLIS students participated in the poster session at the convention.

Continuing Education

The Cleveland Foundation Center is an internationally known center whose mission is to strengthen the non-profit sector by advancing knowledge about U.S. philanthropy. It offers a grantseeking database, grant writing workshops and other resources.

Other Resources

University of Virginia Rare Book School

Other SAA Student Chapters

California State University, Sacramento
North Carolina State University
Queens College, The City University of New York
San Jose State University
Simmons College
University at Albany, State University of New York
University of California at Los Angeles
University of Kentucky
University of Maryland at College Park
University of Michigan
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of South Carolina
University of Pittsburgh
University of Texas at Austin
University of Wisconsin at Madison
University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
Wayne State University
Western Washington University
Wright State University

Kent SLIS Student Organizations

SLA (Special Libraries Association)