Choice Theory Instructional Module





                                The 5 Needs: Survival

Survival is, of course, the most basic of the five needs--without survival, any discussion of the four psychological needs would be pointless. Anything that helps to insure a person's survival is included under this category of need. Therefore, food, shelter, water, money, warmth, procreation, and safety represent satisfaction of survival needs. As Maslow suggests in his Hierarchy of Needs, if the survival level is not adequately being addressed, it is difficult to focus on the satisfaction of other needs. If one's health is in jeopardy, for example, other concerns tend to become relatively less important. Even a lesser threat, such as being cold or hungry when one is sitting in a classroom, will likely affect a person's ability to address other needs, such as feeling empowered via academic achievement.

One might think that survival is always the strongest of the needs, chosen by everyone over the satisfaction of the other needs. Yet some people risk physical injury rather than being the object of disrepect, choosing to fight to defend their honor. There are even those who would risk death at the hands of an armed robber rather than give up their possessions. Likewise, in an attempt to satisfy the need for love and belonging, a person may sacrifice his or her personal well-being. On the other hand, satisfaction of the four psychological needs may not seem so important to a person who is experiencing physical pain or discomfort.

   © 2003 Lisbeth K. Justice, M.A., RTC