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M&IS 44095 XML Summer 2007 Brandyberry

M&IS 44095 – Special Topic: XML Web Services
> <b>SYLLABUS<b>
> <b>Intersession 2007<b>

“Web services have replaced security at the top of the list of applications and technologies of importance to IT executives, revealed a recent survey from the Society for Information Management.” (Web services more important than security, ZDNet, 21 Sep 2006)

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Name of Course: 
Special Topic: XML Web Services
Summer 2007 - Intersession
Meeting Time:
Web Sites:
Course: Vista WebSite, Development Server:
M&IS 24060, M&IS 24070 Jr/Sr Standing
Course Description:
This course seeks to introduce concepts and technical skills associated with XML, Web Services, & SOA. 


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Name of Instructor:
Dr. Alan Brandyberry
Office Address:
BSA A425 
Office Hours:
Discussion Board on Vista and by email (only email confidential inquiries - all technical and general course questions should be directed to the discussion board).


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Required Text: 
Selected chapters from (additional books as announced - don't worry, we will only use specific chapters in these books):
Safari Book 2:  ASP.NET 2.0 Illustrated
Safari Book 4:  XML in a Nutshell
Required Technology:
  • Computer capable of running VS 2005
  • Visual Studio 2005
  • Internet Connection (at least some access to broadband).  If you do not have it at home please look to your local library, college or university, or even coffee shop if you have a wifi notebook.
You do not need a web server.  All development will be done on the course web server using ftp (built into VS2005).


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Course Objectives: 
Topics covered will include:
  • What is a Services-Oriented Architecture (SOA)? Why is it important?
  • What is XML? What is it used for?
  • What is a Web Service?
  • What is the connection between SOA, Web Services, and XML?
  • Where should these technologies be used (and where they should not)?
Skills learned will include:
  • Developing basic web services that exchange information with each other and clients using XML/SOAP.
  • Reading and writing XML files from a web service.**
  • Using a web service to interact with a database.**
  • Designing a web service optimally.
  • How to expose and publish a web service.
**These skills can be applied to general applications as well as to web services.
Development Cases:
This course is all about developing and implementing web services in context.  The "in context" portion refers to the fact that it makes no sense to learn the technical aspects of something you do not know where and when to use.  We will therefore spend some time on learning the correct context of web services (what they are, where they are used, advantages & disadvantages).  However, the majority of the course will revolve around developing web services in a series of development cases.
The primary form of assessment in this course will be the student’s successful completion and submission of one development case per day excluding the first two days and last two days.  Since we have 14 class days this means there will be 10 development cases.  Some of these cases will be extending the functionality of a previous case.  The cases will increase in complexity and decrease in the amount of guidance provided (by the end of the class you should be able to create a solution to a scenario independently).  Even though less guidance is provided I will always be willing to consult with you on any problems you are experiencing.  Please realize that "consulting" does not mean I will just give you the answer.  I may give you hints and I may point you to sources where you can find the answer (an important skill in itself).  Please post all technical questions to the online discussion board (on vista) so everyone may benefit.  If you do email me you will likely get a request to post to the board as a response.
Each case will be evaluated as to how well it meets the case requirements.  Case submissions that fully meet all requirements will receive a score of ‘A’.  Exceptional solutions that exceed requirements will be necessary to receive ‘A+’.  Lower scores associated with deductions based on subjective assessment of deficiencies will be assigned as needed.  Submitting nothing will receive a score of ‘0’ –  not ‘F’.  Submissions that do not ‘run’ at all (such as resulting in error messages when accessed) should not be expected to receive a grade higher than ‘D’.
Each development case will be distributed as an assignment on vista.  You need to develop the solution on the course server (babbage).  When you are done you need to submit the assignment for grading on Vista prior to the due date and time - after submitting the assignment do not modify the files on the server.  Obviously, all changes are logged, modifying the files after the due date qualifies as academic dishonesty if they are represented as submitted on time (if you accidentally modify a file email me immediately).  In most cases you will not submit any files on Vista, submitting your assignment here tells me it is ready to grade on the server.
Note: you may submit any of the cases early if you would like, however, I will only grade cases after they are all (for the class) submitted or after the due date.
Book chapters (or portions of chapters), web resources, PowerPoint presentations, and videos may be assigned.  These should be read or viewed by the date specified.  There will be more of these at the beginning of the course than at the end.
There will be quizzes on most (probably all) of the readings.  On many development cases I will state specific quizzes that you must have completed to submit your assignment.  To complete a quiz you must score 100% on it.  Before you run for the "drop course" page...  this is not intended to be an overly difficult task.  Each quiz will be 5-10 multiple choice questions and you can take it as many times as you want.  Yes, this is simply motivation to get you to do the readings and, yes, you can probably take the quiz a number of times to figure out the correct answers without doing the reading (Vista will make you wait 15 minutes between tries however).  I strongly advise you not to do this.  Some of the readings will be critical to your successful completion of the case(s) and all are important if you really want to get all you can out of this course.
Project: A project is required in this course.  The project is composed of a business scenario of your own creation.  It must include elements that read and write to a database, read and write to an XML file, includes an client page(s), and includes at least three separate web services.  One of these web services must consume another web service and be consumed by another web service without direct interaction with the client.  We will learn how to do all of the technical aspects of the project during the development cases.  Probably the most difficult part of this will be the creation of a reasonable scenario where you can make use of all these elements.  This shows you understand the context (discussed earlier) of web services and is why I do not simply assign you an appropriate problem.
Every day of this class is equivalent to an entire week during a semester session.  By signing up for an intersession course it is assumed that you understand that you will be devoting significant time to this course in the next three weeks including attending "class" - visiting Vista. 
> <b><i>Misconduct:<i>
Any student found to be engaged in cheating, plagiarism, or any form of academic misconduct in this course, whether on exams or any other assignment, will automatically receive a grade of "F" for the course.  Other actions may be taken by the College of Business Administration and/or the University.  This policy is to protect the majority of students who are honest.
As a special note for any programming course it should be understood that it is very easy to search code to determine if it has been taken substantially from online sources (there are even programs designed to automate this).  I do not discourage you from utilizing any and all relevant sources but any code that is taken from online sources must give credit to those sources in comment lines in the code itself.  This applies even if the code is taken and then modified.  It is appropriate in these cases to say “based on code at [source], (slightly, moderately, greatly) modified by [your name(s)].  You must do this even if the site tells you that it is ok to use the code!  In this case you are not guilty of a copyright violation but you are still guilty of plagiarism.  Additionally, code you submit for credit should not be composed predominantly of online derived code even if it is appropriately cited (this would not be misconduct but would not result in a good grade on the assignment).  Failure to follow these guidelines does represent academic misconduct.
In accordance with university policy, if you have a documented disability and require accommodations to obtain equal access to this course, please contact the instructor during the first week of the semester.  Disabilities must be documented through the Office of Student Disability Services located in the Michael Schwartz Center.


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 The following scale indicates the minimum course percentage required for each letter grade:
Letter-grade determinations will be made on the following percentage basis (your score rounded to the nearest whole number): A >93; A- 90-92; B+ 87-89; B 83-86; B- 80-82; C+ 77-79; C 73-76; C- 70-72; D+ 67-69; D 60-66 F <60.

Daily "To-Do" List
May 21
  1. Listen to "Listen to me first" audio file.
  2. Read Syllabus.
  3. Take Syllabus Quiz (1).
  4. Take SOA Quiz (2)
  5. Watch "Account Login" demo video.
  6. Login into your account.
  7. Post a message to the Discussion Board as a reply to the "Account Login" specifying whether you succeeded or not (include any questions).
May 22
  1. Read Safari Book 5: Chapter 2. Web Services
  2. Take Quiz 3
  3. Watch .NET Show video *see #4 first - (the video is a few years old but it gives a very good introduction to .NET)
  4. Take Quiz 4 (I suggest you take the quiz once before watching the video so you know what to look for)
May 23
Preview...These directions are not complete yet, proceed at your own risk!
  1. Read XML in a Nutshell Chapter 1 & 2
  2. Take Quiz 5
  3. Do Development Case 1 (Due May 25th by 6pm - Quizzes 1-4 must be complete before submitting!)
  4. Watch Demo and create your first web form.
  5. Watch Demo and create your first web service.
May 24
Linking Web Services and Clients, SOA concepts
May 25
Consuming public services, XML concepts
May 28
Memorial Day
May 29
Reading/Writing XML within web services and clients
May 30
Integration of concepts - independent case
May 31
Writing XML
Jun 01
Database Interaction
Jun 04
Database Interaction - storing XML in CLOBS, BLOBS, and XML Datatypes
Jun 05
Design Tips, Good web services, Bad web services
Jun 06
Creating and passing custom objects and complex data to/from a web service
Jun 07-08
Working on Final Project

The Following Policies Apply to All Students in this Course
A.   Students attending the course who do not have the proper prerequisites risk being deregistered from the course.  
B.   You have responsibility to ensure they are properly enrolled in courses. You are advised to review your official course schedule (using Web for Students) to ensure you are properly enrolled in this course and section. Should you find an error in your course schedule, you have until [???? check with advising] to correct the error with your advising office. If registration errors are not corrected by this date and you continue to attend and participate in courses for which you are not officially enrolled, you are advised now that you will not receive a grade at the conclusion of the semester for any course in which you are not properly registered.
C.   Academic honesty: Cheating means to misrepresent the source, nature, or other conditions of your academic work (e.g., tests, papers, projects, assignments) so as to get undeserved credit.   In addition, it is considered to be cheating when one cooperates with another in any such misrepresentation.  The use of the intellectual property of others without giving them appropriate credit is a serious academic offense.  It is the University's policy that cheating or plagiarism result in receiving a failing grade for the work or course.  Repeat offenses may result in dismissal from the University.
D.   Withdrawal: For Intersession 2007, the course withdrawal deadline is Tuesday, May 22. Withdrawal before the deadline results in a "W" on the official transcript; after the deadline a grade must be calculated and reported.  
E.   Students with Disabilities: University policy 3342-3-18 requires that students with disabilities be provided reasonable accommodations to ensure their equal access equal access course content.  If you have documented disability and require accommodations, please contact the instructor at the beginning of the semester to make arrangements for necessary classroom adjustments.  Please note, you must first verify your eligibility for these through the Student Disability Services (contact 330-672-3391 or visit for more information on registration procedures).
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