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M&IS 44150 Summer 2007 Smas

SUMMER I, 2007
TIMES:  MW    6:00 – 9:50 PM
HOURS:   MW 5-6 PM
PHONE: 330-672-1155
This is an upper level course designed to give the student practical experience in Total Quality Management principles. .. but more importantly, an introduction to lean and six sigma concepts, which are the principle methodologies being practiced today.
The principle method of instruction is lecture, with interactive discussion and casework. This is a writing intensive course, and therefore, there are a number of projects requiring a paper to be submitted for credit.
1. An Introduction to Six Sigma & Process Improvement, Evans & Lindsay, Southwestern {Publishing, 2005
ISBN: 0-324-30075-1


1.      To acquaint the student with the many theories on Quality Management in an effort to provide a pragmatic approach to quality in the workplace.
2.      To acquaint the student with the different perspectives which managers and functional departments approach quality.
3.      To acquaint the student with the case method. By the study of relevant cases, the student should be able to infer the theoretical basis for actions and solutions found in the cases. This gives the student a real world access to practical applications of sometimes very abstract theory.
4.      To acquaint the student with the principles of Six Sigma Quality Systems and methodology.
5. To acquaint the student with the principles of Lean Production Systems


There will one test. The test will be typical multiple choice and short essay type questions.
There are a number of assignments listed on the class schedule attached. They are due on the date indicated on the schedule.
Readings: Readings that bear on the content of the course are also assigned and will be available on my electronic reserve site through the library reserve system. I  will give you some idea how to access these materials during the semester..  You are expected to be able to discuss the readings and the relevance to the current material being studied in the class. You will earn participation points for these readings.


Problem Sets and Discussion questions: There are quite a few problems and discussion questions assigned during this course. You will do these problems and discussion questions and enter them into a journal which will be collected at the end of the course. Since we have only one exam, this is a major grading component for you.

Team Projects  You are required to do five this semester. Each project must be completed and a paper describing the outcomes will be presented. This is a team exercise and the team will be receiving the same grade on the project paper.
Participation: You are expected to contribute as a team during case and readings discussions. 
There are a total of 1000 points available to determine your grade. The following is the break down by subject, which will determine your final grade.
Test One                    100 points
Project One               100
Project Two               100
Project Three            100
Project Four              200
Project Five               100
Journal                      200
Participation:             100


Totals                      1000 points

I will use plus / minus grading this semester. Thus the grading for the course is as follows: These are on percentages
92.5 – 100 %  POINTS                                            A
89.1 – 92.4                                                                A –
86.0 – 89.0                                                                B+
82.5 – 85.9                                                                B
79.1 – 82.4                                                                B-
76.0 – 79.0                                                                C+
72.5 – 75.9                                                                C
69.1 – 72.4                                                                C-
<69.0                                                                          D
<59.0                                                                          F         
According to new University Guidelines the grades are converted to your grade point average by the following rules:

A   = 4.0
A-  = 3.7
B+ = 3.3
B   = 3.0
B-  = 2.7
C+ = 2.3
C   =  2.0
C-  =  1.7
D+  = 1.3
D    = 1.0.
F    =  0.0

The Following Policies Apply to All Students in this Course
A. Students attending the course who do not have the proper prerequisite risk being deregistered from the class.
B. Students have responsibility to ensure they are properly enrolled in classes.  You are advised to review your official class schedule (using Web for Students) during the first two weeks of the semester to ensure you are properly enrolled in this class and section.  Should you find an error in your class schedule, you have until [date will be provided by the Undergraduate Office in advance] to correct the error with your advising office.  If registration errors are not corrected by this date and you continue to attend and participate in classes for which you are not officially enrolled, you are advised now that you will not receive a grade at the conclusion of the semester for any class in which you are not properly registered.
C. Academic honesty: Cheating means to misrepresent the source, nature, or other conditions of your academic work (e.g., tests, papers, projects, assignments) so as to get undeserved credit.   The use of the intellectual property of others without giving them appropriate credit is a serious academic offense.  It is the University's policy that cheating or plagiarism result in receiving a failing grade (0 points) for the work or course.  Repeat offenses may result in dismissal from the University.
D. For Fall and Spring semesters, the course withdrawal deadline is always the Saturday of the 10th week of the semester.  For Intersession, the course withdrawal deadline is always the Saturday of the second week (of three total).  For Summer I and III, the course withdrawal deadline is usually the Saturday of the second week (of five total).  For Summer II 2007, the course withdrawal deadline is usually the Saturday of the fourth week (of eight total).
E. Students with disabilities: In accordance with University policy, if you have a documented disability and require accommodations to obtain equal access in this course, please contact the instructor at the beginning of the semester or when given an assignment for which an accommodation is required. Students with disabilities must verify their eligibility through the Office of Student Disability Services (SDS) in the Michael Schwartz Service Center (672-3391).
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