Contents | Introduction  | Faculty, Travel, Accommodations | Curriculum | Business Visits, Cultural Trips, and Costs | Payment Schedule | Other Expenses | Passports & Airline Tickets | Insurance & U.S. Customs | Train Travel |Travel Supplies | Conclusion | |



This program information represents the best effort of the instructor to provide students who intend to take the International Business Trip with budget information, travel advice and guidelines that have proven to be helpful to other students who have previously participated in similar programs of study abroad.

This material is not intended to be comprehensive or totally complete in every detail. We have tried to provide the student with information which we believe to be the most recent and the most accurate based, in turn, upon information supplied to us by a variety of agencies and companies. Each student is responsible for verifying the degree to which the information, regulations, and policies quoted herein may have been modified since the publication and distribution of this document.  Ultimately, each student is responsible for making sure that she/he is in compliance with all governmental, academic, organizational, and company regulations and policies.

The IBE program offers a unique opportunity for students to study international businesses, organization, and culture while earning regular graduate credit. The program relies on the cooperation and good will of all persons involved with this program, among them international organizations, private businesses, foreign governments, and foreign people.

It is important to understand that we depend upon the students to adhere to the special conditions of the program, to be "diplomats" of KSU and the US,  and collaborate with the faculty and the people we come in contact with in Europe to make this program a successful venture.

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