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M&IS 44044 Spring 2006 Steinberg

M&IS 44044 Systems Analysis II
> <br> Dr. Geoffrey Steinberg / / A418
> <br>


To work cooperatively on a research and development team while producing professional quality results. Specifically you will be developing a real operating information system that will be on public display. Thus the course will draw on your analytical, communication, organizational and technical skills.
Professionalism is expected throughout in comportment and outcome.

Class Organization

  • The class will be divided into teams.
  • Each team will be given the same project assignment.


  • Teams will meet with the instructor every Thursday.
  • Class will not meet on Tuesdays.
Your instructor will expect to see major strides between meetings with him.

Definition of Success

The the project will be assessed as successful if:
  • The result satisfies the requirements as set forth by the client.
  • The result can be maintained and extended.


There are two possibilities:
  1. If the instructor and client assesses a team's project as successful then everyone on the team gets a team grade of A.
  2. The alternative is: oh well ... Let's put it this way: failure is not an option. In other words, if the project fails shouldn't your team too?
Your contribution to your team will also be determined by a peer assessment.

Getting Started

  1. The project this semester will involve audio/video capture and playback, database, and touch screen interaction.
  2. We will divide into teams on the first Thursday of the semester.
  3. Give a lot of thought on how to best create teams. Your input will be valuable.
  4. Just joining friends together on teams may invite disaster. You need well balanced teams.
  5. Slouches will not be tolerated. There is plenty for everyone to do. The reward system is such that non-contributors will be rewarded as non-contributors.


Textbook: None. You have taken the needed courses already. Here you put it all together. Supplement what you need with any other references (management, techinical, etc.) that you need.
> <br> Lateness: Not allowed. No exceptions. Lateness as a professional is not acceptable and it is not acceptable in this class either.
> <br> Attendance: Expected. The standard KSU allowances for absence are permitted with proper documentation. Any other absence will impact on your individual contribution score.
> <br> Computer virus: It is not nice to send a virus to a server. If you do then you may render all group projects useless. So be careful!
> <br> Students with Disability: In accordance with University policy, if you have a documented disability and require accomodations to obtain equal access in this course, please contact the instructor at the beginning of the semester or when given an assignment for which accomodation is required. Students with disabilities must verify their eligibility through the Office of Student Disability Services (SDS) in the Michael Schwartz Services Center (672-2972).
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