Video Class

Lectures are available via the web.  The time for each is in the Time column.  Video gets the version with pictures, sound, and graphs, Voice gets the version with just sound and graphs.


The figures are available as PP (for the power point slides and PDF (the most useful) prints out the power point slides, six to a page.


Lecture                                                                  Time       Video     Voice      PDF         PP

Supply and Demand

Valentine's Day                                                       8:23         Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Demand Functions and Demand Shifters                10:45       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Perfect Complements and Substitutes                    07:35       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Applying Demand Functions                                   11:39       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Price Ceilings                                                           6:14         Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Demand Shift or Supply Shift                                  11:01       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Estimating Demand Functions                                 8:45         Video       Voice       PDF          PP

The Mathematics of Demand Functions                  8:54         Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Two Simple Extensions                                           8:07         Video       Voice       PDF          PP


Elasticity                                                                  13:47       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Arc Elasticity                                                           11:06       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Consumer Behavior

The Theory of Choice                                             11:12       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Indifference Curves                                                7:56         Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Examples of Indifference Curves                           11:24       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Budget Constraints                                                 11:41       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Composite Goods                                                    11:57       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

How Economists Destroy Christmas                      15:41       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

The Economics of Bads                                          12:49       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

The Value of Time                                                   16:27       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Consumer Surplus

Consumer Surplus                                                  10:32       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Applying Consumer Surplus                                   06:15       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Consumer Surplus and Deadweight Loss              05:31       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

More on Consumer Surplus                                    7:35         Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Extending the Problem                                             10:57       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Taxes and Dead Weight Loss                                 4:55         Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Consumer Surplus and Indifference Curves          09:48       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Priceline and E-Bay                                                 06:37       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Compensated Demand Curves                               03:45       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Income and Substitution Effects

Engel Curves                                                           3:48         Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Income and Substitution Effects                             10:56       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

The Slutsky Equation                                               12:57       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Expected Utility

Uncertainty                                                              11:33       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Uncertainty and Risky Behavior                              14:34       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Buying Insurance                                                    15:15       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

A Numerical Problem                                               04:52       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Who Robbed C.C.                                                    05:55       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Production Functions

The Production Function                                         10:19       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

The General Production Function                            6:07         Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Properties of Production Functions                         15:07       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Cost Functions

Cost Function Basics                                              8:46         Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Marginal Cost and Average Cost                            9:38         Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Mathematical Cost Functions                                  5:51         Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Mathematical Cost Functions-2                               7:09         Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Mathematical Cost Functions-3                               11:06       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Solving the Problem                                                 7:06         Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Properties of Cost Functions                                  7:24         Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Additional Properties of Cost Functions                  11:37       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Applications of Cost Functions                               6:51         Video       Voice       PDF          PP


Basics of Competition                                             10:27       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

The Firm's Supply Curve                                         11:02       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

A Competitive Industry                                            12:37       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

A Competitive Industry-More                                   10:23       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Changes in Factor Prices                                        4:43         Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Demand Change to Factor Price Change                9:37         Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Equilibrium with Different Cost Functions               9:20         Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Tabular Analysis of Equilibrium                               10:52       Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Mathematical Analysis of Equilibrium                      5:28         Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Competitive Diversity                                               6:07         Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Taxing A Competitive Industry                                4:33         Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Consumer and Producer Surplus                            4:06         Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Three Competition Problems                                    5:19         Video       Voice       PDF          PP

Solution to Three Competition Problems                  7:47         Video       Voice       PDF          PP