MATH 11012


Course Description:  Designed to give an overview of differential and integral calculus to business and life-science majors.  Does not include trigonometric functions.  

Prerequisites:  MATH 11010, 11011, or 12001,  or appropriate placement test score.  

Syllabus: Click here  for an online copy of the syllabus.

Schedule: Click here  for an online copy of the syllabus.

Graded Homework Assignments:

Gateway Exam Materials:

Supplemental Materials: Here are some supplemental materials that you might find useful. They are PDF (portable document format) files, so to view them you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your PC.  If there is some material which you would like to see added to this section, please email me at


Practice Problems:

Old Exams:  The following exams were given during previous semesters using a different text than we are currently using.   These exams are to be used for practice only.

Limits, def of derivatives,
tangents, continuity

Max/Min, optimization,
curve sketching of polynomials

Curve Sketching Rational functions, Integration,
area between curves

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