MATH 12002

Course Description:  Concepts of limit, continuity and derivative, and the indefinite and definite integral for functions of one variable.  Maximization, related rates, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.

Prerequisites: MATH 12001 or 11022 or appropriate placement scores.

Syllabus: Click here  for an online copy of the syllabus.

Homework Assignments:Click here for a complete list of homework assignments.

Graded Homework Assignments:

Supplemental Materials:
Here are some supplemental materials that you might find useful. They are PDF (portable document format) files, so to view them you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 3.01 or better) installed on your PC.  If there is some material which you would like to see added to this section, please email me at

Practice Problems:

Old Exams:  The following are exams given for MATH 12002.  These exams are to be used for practice purposes only.  DO NOT assume that your exam will be identical to these.    NOTE:  These exams are based on Stewart's Calculus book, not Stewart's Essential Calculus.


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5


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